What is the EAT in SEO and how to enhance it?

It is an aspect from which you can obtain many resources for the development of your online store or commerce. From an approach that is characterized by being very innovative and offering more solutions in the management of your business line than you can have from the beginning. Especially if you are one of the people who think that you have to be with the new trends in digital marketing, such as this is the case.

Well, and to get into this current topic, EAT is the acronym that represents three of the main aspects for efficient SEO optimization: Experience, Authority and Trust. But… what does It have to do with Confidence? The explanation is simple: like many concepts in Online Marketing, these acronyms come from the English terms “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness”.

Another aspect that you must assess from this moment on is the one that has to do with the nature of your own business. From this point of view, there is no doubt that in the end you will need higher or lower levels of experience in the information you offer. For example, on the websites of reviews of leisure or training companies, any content can be classified as made by an “expert” (or at least it will not be penalized in terms of its level of experience), since these sites require opinions and ” daily experiences ”that do not have to come from someone who has great knowledge of the subject in question.

EAT in SEO: experience

The truth is that it is not about referring to any expert, but the content itself marks whether it has been created by someone who knows and understands what they write. For a page to be positioned correctly, its content must be interesting to visitors, as well as original and true. That is why Google will consider a content creator who follows these rules to be an expert on the matter.


The natural links that you have: because if you are an authority, the logical thing is that other trusted websites in your sector link your page as a reference. Note that we have specified “natural”. If your content is good and your company has done a good job of SEO On Page, the links will come by themselves.

Brand Keywords: Are people already searching for your business name on Google? That is a good indication to Google that you are doing well.

Social networks: if your content is shared it is also a sign that you are seen as a reference.

As you can see, again, we are talking about concepts that have to do with your brand image work in general.


It is also pure logic. Who is Google going to show first? To a website that can be trusted or one that we have no references to? The key here is to see how we teach Google that we are “trustworthy.”

We give you some ideas:

Contact information: clearly shows how they can get in touch with you. If your business has an office, it is also good that you link your profile with an address.

Secure page or HTTPS: although this is no longer important to Google, but rather that your potential clients want to have the peace of mind that your website is safe and that their information is protected.

Legal pages: yes, those that nobody ever pays attention to and that many companies copy. Have your pages well adapted and easy to access. If you sell products, the same applies to your return policy.


Of course, this aspect refers to more technical aspects of the portal, such as having an SSL certificate on our portal, easy and fluid navigation (without cheating), fast loading times, etc.

The EAT metric is applied to each and every one of the portals, but it has special relevance in YMYL portals, given the nature and vital relevance of the content that is covered in this type of portals. If your portal has been in free fall for a few months and you do not know why, you should consider implementing measures of this type to mitigate the effects of this update.

From this point of view it should be noted that it is not surprising that Google relies more on the pages that clearly expose their data, such as the domain owner, the location of the company, the names of the editors, etc … That for example, of pages that continue to use an anonymous “Whois” or that simply do not expose any data.

Knowing who is writing, who owns a web page and even the address of said page or company, is a factor that gives the reader confidence and that Google likes.

While on the other hand, another of the most relevant aspects that affects this issue is a good thermometer to enhance the website of our store or online business. So that in this way, it provides a series of characteristics that we are going to comment on from now on:

The first characteristic of a high-quality page is precisely a high EAT level. The list includes as complements:

  • A high level of experience, authority and reliability, including the EAT of the editor and / or author of the articles and information contained in the pages.
  • Have a considerable number of high-quality main content.
  • Have enough information about who is responsible for the site and / or enough information about the sale of the product or service. If the site of for sale online, it must clearly specify on the main page how the financial transactions will be made.
  • Achieve with clear and truthful information, in addition to valuable content and friendly navigation, the positive reputation of the site.
  • Everything discussed can give you the foundations of what EAT is and how you can make use of this knowledge to improve your rankings. Having a good quality rating on Google is a key factor when it comes to ranking high in search results. We hope this helps you get started and get started on making your website offer expertise, authority, and trust in all of your content.

Google EAT: why is it important for SEO?

If you have a website, a blog or both, you will know that SEO is an important aspect to position yourself in search engines and give visibility to your business.

In this sense, there are many actions that can contribute to a better positioning of your web page, however, it is not something permanent, since Google is applying changes in its way of considering whether a page is of quality or not and, as a consequence , we must be attentive and try to adapt to them.

In short, we must try to meet the criteria set by Google so that when tracking our domain it sees it with good eyes. And not only to satisfy Google, but also to our users. Therefore, in this article we will tell you what Google EAT is and why it is important for SEO. Will you accompany me?

What is Google EAT? Experience, authority and trust

As a result of one of the updates that Google launched at the beginning of 2020, called “January 2020 Core Update”, three aspects acquired great relevance in SEO, especially after the arrival of Google BERT. These are those that are collected in the termEAT, in English: Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Next, we explain in detail what Google EAT is and what you need to know to check if your website meets these criteria:

Expertise (experience): based on this algorithm change, Google values ​​the content written and signed by experts in each subject very positively, discarding the content of irrelevant people. The online reputation of the person who signs them will be crucial to position themselves as an expert in their field.

Authoritativeness (authority): on the other hand, the authority of a website is also taken into account by Google. Links, reputation, years in the network, websites of official and recognized organizations … in short, the more authority a website has, the better its content will be considered.

Trustworthiness (trust): the trust of the web where the content is hosted is another of the most important factors today. To position ourselves as a trustworthy site, we must have a totally secure website, with high-quality, truthful, legal and up-to-date content. Pages that inspire little trust are unwelcome and relegated to search results hells.

Google EAT: why is it important for SEO?

We can affirm that the EAT is relevant for any web page that wants to position itself in search engines. However, its importance is greater for certain types of content. For example, for those topics in which the expertise of the person or entity that provides the information has an impact on the behaviour of the person conducting the search, and may have a negative impact.

Let’s see it with an example:

If a person makes a medical query, such as “what is the dose of ibuprofen for children”, it is clear that the information suggested by Google must be accurate, otherwise it may have a negative result on the person who made the search. As a consequence, Google must assess which pages are relevant to this topic and which ones can add value.

To do this, you must grant greater authority to those pages that you consider to be experts in the information you are looking for. Following the same previous example, it is more likely that Google will trust before a content whose creator has been an expert in the medical area in question than on a website that deals with generic topics or whose area of ​​expertise is not defined.

For this reason, the pages that in some way can influence the health or economic situation of a person, known as YMYL(Your Money or Your Life) or in Spanish “Your money or your life”, are the ones that are most affected by Google EAT.

As we can see in the screenshots, Google positions those contents that belong to expert entities not only in medicine, but in the specific area on which the search is carried out: pediatrics.This is one of the many examples that we can find of how Google analyzes, categorizes and positions a page and its content based on its area of ​​expertise.

How to improve the EAT of a web page: good practices to take into account

The first step we must take to improve the EAT is to make sure that we have been working on it previously. In fact, not meeting the EAT criteria could be one of the reasons why in August 2018 many pages considered YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) were strongly affected.

When Google applied the algorithm change, the visits of these types of sites were affected by experiencing large drops. In addition, Google also saw its ability to examine and rate the EAT through its algorithm improved. Therefore, these new quality criteria have come to stay, and whether your website is YMYL or not, you must take into account some aspects to improve the EAT:

Links: Get links to your website from other pages, and even better if they have a greater authority than yours. Not just any link, for it is essential to create quality content and think of a good strategy link building .

Updated content: Especially in the topics that we mentioned previously (YMYL), updating the content based on the changes that take place in the matter is essential: new legal measures, changes in legislation, etc.

Reputation (reviews): This point is closely linked to trust. If your page gets good reviews, Google will interpret that the content meets the user’s search and will give more authority to your page. Conversely, bad reviews can affect rankings.

Contact information: Closely linked to the previous point, those pages whose contact details are non-existent or not very visible can be perceived as “unreliable”. Especially for the topics discussed (YMYL) it is important to show customer service information that users can turn to in the event of any incident or doubt.

Ultimately, the objective does not have to be so much to meticulously measure the algorithm changes that Google makes, since we would go crazy, but rather to focus on generating quality content, which responds to the needs of the buyer person we are targeting, with clear and concrete information about the search carried out. If, in addition, we can demonstrate expertise in the area in question and reinforce Google’s trust in our page with other elements such as those mentioned above, it is more likely to become a benchmark and position itself in search engines.

What is the acronym E-A-T?

E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.” It is a set of criteria that Google uses to assess the quality and credibility of web content and websites. Google emphasizes E-A-T as a factor in determining search engine rankings.

Is E-A-T a ranking factor?

Yes, E-A-T is considered a ranking factor by Google. While it is not a single, direct ranking factor like page speed or backlinks, it is a holistic assessment of a website’s quality and relevance. Google uses E-A-T to determine how well a website and its content should rank in search results.

What is E-A-T, and how does it affect your website?

E-A-T, or Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, are factors that Google considers when evaluating the quality of content and websites. Websites and content that demonstrate expertise in their subject matter, authoritative sourcing, and trustworthiness tend to rank better in search results. To improve your website’s E-A-T, focus on creating high-quality, well-researched content and establishing a credible online presence.

What is an example of E-A-T?

An example of E-A-T in practice could be a medical website that provides accurate, well-researched information about health conditions, written by medical experts and reviewed by other professionals in the field. This demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in the content, which can boost the website’s E-A-T score.

What is the difference between E-A-T and E-E-A-T?

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is the original acronym used by Google to assess content and websites. E-E-A-T stands for “Everyday Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness,” and it is a broader concept that encompasses not just online content but also everyday expertise and credibility in various areas. While E-A-T is specific to web content, E-E-A-T is a broader concept that extends to offline expertise and trustworthiness.

What is the E-A-T strategy for content?

The E-A-T strategy for content involves creating high-quality, well-researched, and authoritative content that demonstrates expertise and trustworthiness. This includes:
Accurate and up-to-date information.
Citing credible sources and experts.
Providing clear and transparent authorship information.
Avoiding misinformation and low-quality content.
Building a strong online reputation and credibility.
By following the E-A-T strategy, you can improve your website’s chances of ranking well in search results and gaining the trust of your audience.

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