What is Google Trends & How to Use It

Do you want to get ahead of your users’ searches ? In your strategy you aim to overtake your competition ? You’re lucky! For that and much more there is Google Trends or Google search trends . This Google service allows to know, in a simple and visual way , the evolution of users’ searches over time . Therefore, I want to show you some tips and tricks to get everything out and a guide to learn how to use this tool to detect interest over time . It is a simple way to identify the seasonality and tendency in the interest on certain contents that are likely to be worked within the calendar of contents of a web page , blog or online store . As if that were not enough, it is a free access tool , which makes it essential in any online marketing strategy or content (next to Google Ads Keyword Planner). In this guide you will learn how to use it correctly and detect trends in Google search .

What is Google Trends and what is it for?

Google Trends or Google search trends is a free and open access tool on Google that allows you to compare the search popularity of several words or phrases. In this way you can know the level of search of a certain term (keyword) during a certain period of time , being able to identify the variations in the searches in relative values ​​based on a scale of 0 to 100 (where 100 represents the highest point in levels of searches performed with respect to a term or keyword). This comparison is made through a graph , which exists on the terms searched from 2004 to the present , allowing you to see the patterns and changes in time or appreciate how it varies according to the geographical area . Other highlights provided by Google Trends are a global heat map that graphically displays the search volume index in the different regions of each country and a list of words related to each search term (those with the highest growth). As if this were not enough, Google Trends, in addition, gives you the possibility to compare up to 5 terms at the same time , and thus appreciate how interest has varied and see its evolution, in a certain period of time , for each of those terms with respect to the others. If you are looking to improve the positioning of your website, blog or online store , it is essential that you know your target market. Google Trends facilitates this type of studies (at a simplified level but equally useful) that on the other hand in the offline world can be quite expensive if it is provided by a private company. Using Google Trends well you can get mini- market studies by segmenting the population and learning to identify the degree of interest there is for a certain word at a time of the year.

Parts of the Google Trends Tool

As with any other online marketing tool or to spy on the competition , before even learning how to use it correctly, it is vital to know each of its parts . I’m not talking about knowing what your engine is like, but knowing that you have an engine and where that engine is. Therefore, we will review all the components of the Google search trends tool : Click edit button to change this text. ● Left side menu : In this menu Google puts at your disposal the trends that it is creating, in addition to YouTube trends , the most popular trends , etc.

● Comparator : This section is where the terms appear, from which the trends in the searches in the chart will appear .

● Top menu : In this menu Google offers you several options to modify. The geographical point , which allows you to choose any point on the planet the date , which allows you to choose any date, category , which allows you to choose between Google’s default categories and the type of search , which allows you to change the type of search , whether it’s web search, image search, news search, Google Shopping or Youtube search.

● Graph showing the evolution of the searches : The figures represent the search interests related to the highest point of the graph. If the maximum of the searches for the region and the time interval determined were for “SEO”, with 10%, we would consider it 100%. These figures do not offer absolute search volumes . If you leave the mouse pointer over the letters in the different peaks of the graphs it will give you a little news of the event that happened on that day that will favor the reason for that increase (an event, a concert, an algorithm change , a release of a new disk, etc).

● Action buttons: These are buttons to download (in .CSV), share (in “Script” format) or share (in the most used social networks ) the graphic.

How to use Google Trends Correctly to Analyze Trends

Access the Google Trends page

Using the Google search trend analysis tool and interpreting the results is really simple. Although it is not necessary to create a Gmail account to use it, I recommend having one (to access dozens of interesting Google tools). As you do not need to log in, just access Google Trends and continue to the next step.

Write one or Several Words. Terms Phrases or Search Topics

In the search box of the tool you must indicate those keywords on which you are going to generate new content or you want to analyze its trend (so you can see the evolution in the searches of the same and the periods where there is a higher frequency of search). To do this, choose keywords(which are related) and click “Enter”: Access Google Trends, type the keyword (or words) you want to analyze and press “Enter”

Analyze the Graph of Interest over Time

You already have data to analyze! Once you have established the words, terms or phrases from which you want to obtain search trends , a graph is displayed that summarizes the popularity over time . The interest for this word is expressed in a range from 0 to 100 , and if you pass the cursor over the line, it specifies the specific month in which they are located (for example, activity peaks).

Comparative Breakdown by Subregion of Trends and Keywords

Under this graph a global (or local , depending on the filter you have marked in “location”) map is shown in which the popularity of the keyword is indicated depending on the geographical area . Again, when you move the cursor over the map you can see the number that indicates the popularity of the word in that particular country (in the case of this example, United States. For each of the terms it is possible to know, in a comparative way, where there is a greater interest in the searches . To obtain this type of data it is necessary that there is a significant volume of searches, since otherwise it will not be shown . In addition, to the right of the Google Trends graph shows keyword search details by region . This is ideal if you have a target country and want to detect user behaviors that you can incorporate into your marketing actions.

Interpret the Results from An Open Perspective

Interpreting the results is a matter of being open and very insightful. The information provided by the Google search trends tool is “broad” and leaves room for imagination. For this reason, it is always good to contrast it with other tools and cross data so as not to carry out large marketing actions that then end in disaster. I have done, there are 2 details that you have to take into account :

● An ascending line usually indicates a growth in popularity for the term sought, but beware, because it does not always mean that the actual volume of absolute traffic for that term has also grown, why? because the use of the Internet is also constantly growing, and that up line may simply represent that increase in people searching on Google . In any case, generally a “up” line is a good thing.

● A down line does not always mean that the absolute traffic of a search term has decreased, but simply that its popularity (its search share) is decreasing. There may be more people doing searches and that has lowered the percentage.

Video summary with the most popular Google searches in 2022

2022 was a very busy year at the international level (like 2023 ). Events of violence or natural disasters that surprised us all, but there was also space for reflection and hope . All in all, it could be said that the year has also been marked in Google. Therefore, do not miss this video, just 2 minutes, where the most relevant news and searches that have been in the Google search engine in 2017 are shown.

Detect Search Trends and be the first to exploit them

Google Trends is undoubtedly the most powerful search tool for trends that is on the market right now, and it ‘s free . The reason is very simple. What search engine do we all use? Well, Google! And who better to give us information about trends? (if you also allow you to add graphics to your website). The importance of this tool is very clear, above all, for website owners who take trend detection and even the implementation of new ones ( trendsetter ) very seriously . Start using it correctly and sharpen all the data you can provide for the future of your SEO.

Tools to know popular searches and trends

It should already be clear that popular searches and search trends , although related, are not exactly the same, right? Now, I’ll explain what tools are available so you know what are the themes, keywords and trends that are ‘giving something to talk about’ in Google.

Conclusion: knowing trends and popular searches on Google will improve your marketing strategies

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