7 Tactics How to Promote a Blog on 2023

Surely you’ve read “sometime” how to promote a blog and to have more visibility you have to devote much more effort to the promotion of your posts than to its creation, right? Well, let me tell you something: it ‘s the truth . And I will show you a real case, with the results obtained after applying these 7 tactics to promote one of the most important posts of this blog.

🎯 How to promote a blog?

The first thing to understand is that it makes little sense to promote only the page Home your blog. What people want to read on a blog like yours (and what is normally best positioned on Google) are your articles .For example:If you look at the volume of searches, this blog is barely searched on Google for «my web positioning»: But it is read by many people looking for example “how to create a blog” in Google: Do you see where I’m going? It is much more profitable to devote all your efforts in promoting the articles instead of your blog “in general”. So remember: 📢 ‘To promote a blog, focus on promoting your articles’ Because publishing a good article and not promoting it is like having a Picasso hidden in the storage room of your house; If you do not look at it, or sell it, or tell anyone that you have it, what good is it? 🙂

📢 The promotion strategy

Ok, you know that the key to promoting your blog is to promote your articles but … How to promote the articles of a blog? Well, if you want your articles to get more visibility and reach many more people you should plan a good promotion strategy . And believe me when I tell you that this strategy can become even more important than the article itself … Internet is full of great blogs with articles worthy of appearing in the top positions of Google, without any doubt; but they are not . And this is because people do not even know they exist. So I’m going to show you a real case of the promotion strategy that I followed with an article from my blog, a guide that I published about what I think is the best keyword tool . I’ll start by showing you the results and then I’ll explain the 7 promotion tactics that I did with this post, ok? I have marked the visits received on Mondays, because they are the days of the week in which I publish a new post. And you will see that on the Monday that I published the guide (on August 29), the blog reached 3,000 visits , surpassing the statistics of the previous Monday. The post was one of the best of all 2016. Today has more than 118 comments , has been shared more than 1,500 times in social networks, has the best possible rating on votes and has received more than 7,300 visits in 7 months . And as you can see, the article is in the Top 6 of the results of Google.com for the keywords in which I proposed to appear (a word study is for that same purpose). 🙂 And that for example for the search «tool keywords» the first 2 results of the Top 6 are from Google. And finally, I want to show you the income generated by the post until today. In total they have been just over $ 451, or what is the same, about $ 425 to change. No, I can not afford to buy a flat in New York (still …). But keep in mind that this is a post that is in the Top 5 of a keyword that receives no more than 390 monthly searcheson Google, with much competition and on a very cheap tool (little commission) that neither Tato knew . And even so, with good content and a good promotion, I have managed to generate income in 7 months to hire the best hosting for years. In addition to that the tool already begins to know itself, and even a crack of the SEO as it is Chuiso has mentioned it in the last comments of its blog with link to the promoted post: In short, what I want you to see is that it actually works to carry out a promotion strategy. And in fact it should be part of a blogger’s task, which is not “just” writing posts, as you can see. 🙂

🗣 7 tactics to promote the content of a blog

Now I am going to explain to you each of the 7 tactics that I have carried out to obtain these results, and eye because the order that I have followed is not exactly random. We must bear in mind what actions have meaning before, during and after the publication of the post. So take note because I’m sure they’ll help you do the same in your blog. 😉 Let’s get to the point!

1⃣ Expectation before publication

It is one of the most important tactics that I have learned during all these years with my blog: the expectation . You must go “warming up the environment” with what you are preparing for the post you are going to publish. And with this I mean, above all, to share with your readers your own feelings , because the reader will empathize with you and there will be much more likely to be involved in that post. In my case, in the monthly summary of July that I published weeks before, I already announced that I was creating the post and that I was really excited because I wanted to make it perfect. That they had to read it yes or yes:

2⃣ Prepare content for other sites

Before publishing your post, it is important that you prepare content related to your article to be able to promote it on other sites. You can write guest posts for other bloggers, publish press releases, write a tutorial in a forum … Whatever you can think of! In my case for example, I took the opportunity to prepare content like these and promote my blog indirectly:

● A LinkedIn post (what used to be LinkedIn Press and now they simply call it “article”) in which I talk about why you should do a keyword study. ● A post as a guest on the IEBSchool blog .

3⃣ Share the post on social networks and news aggregators

The day of the publication of your post is a very important day, and so you must also reflect it in all the social networks where you share it. Once again, it is about the reader empathizing with you and your feelings, and for this there is nothing better than being totally sincere . This is for me the key to doing what you really love, that in the end others notice. But it is as important to share on social networks as to mention the influencers of your sector or any other person that can give you more visibility. And if you mention them in the post, with even more reason to see if there is luck and you “rip” a retuit. 🙂 A good idea is to try to contact them “in private”, by sending them an email or by direct message on Twitter, to see what they think and share it if they like it. But you must not forget to add your post in news aggregators and other portals to spread it. After all, it’s another good way to advertise your blog. For example, these are the sites where I added my post on the same day of its publication:







● etc. 👀 Be careful, keep in mind that these sites are related to the theme of my post. It is important that you look for news aggregators or portals that have a theme similar to your post , because if not, it will not make sense for readers.

4⃣ Share in social networking groups and communities

I wanted to separate this action from the previous one because I think it deserves a separate mention. It is basically to share the post in your social networks but in groups and communities that have to do with the post you have written, because this segmentation of users by specific topics will ensure you a much greater engagement . In my case when I want to give the greatest possible visibility to a post (as in this case) I share it in:

Google+ communities: I’m linked to 42 communities on blogging, SEO and digital marketing in general, and I’m sharing the post in 4 communities a day (2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon).

LinkedIn groups: I’m linked to about 40 groups also about blogging, SEO and digital marketing in general, and in this case I usually share the post in 6 groups a day (3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon).

Facebook groups: in this case “only” I am united to about 10 groups also about blogging, SEO and digital marketing in general, and I usually share the post in the 10 directly. Yes, all this is a crap that you shit, but you’ve seen that it pays off. 🙂 My advice is that you make a list with all the groups that you have in each social network and go checking in which one you have already shared, so as not to repeat and not to do SPAM . And of course I can not forget about my own community subscribed to the blog mailing list and my Telegram community . In both channels, in addition to telling some tips and giving more “personal” news, the posts published in the blog are also automatically shared .

5⃣ Promote the contents of the other sites

This is a very important step. As they are publishing all those contents that you indicated in the 2nd point to gain visibility, you must promote them in turn to expand that visibility. Remember that the grace of posting on other sites is that you reach a new audience that you make yourself known to, and by promoting these publications you multiply the chances of that audience being much larger. You should also be aware of the comments that this new audience can make in each of the published contents, you have to answer them! Because the image you give in that publication , both for the content and for your willingness to respond to comments, is the best promotion you can for your blog, your post and yourself. Also, in this way (sharing the content and responding to comments), the owner of the blog or site where it has been published will see that you commit to what you post, and that may mean that you will be contacted again in the future. 🙂

6⃣ Internal links from articles to your blog

It is clear that at the level of SEO positioning , adding internal links to your post using anchor text as the keyword that best suits you, is the best way to indicate to Google what searches you want to position yourself for. But it also serves to promote your post from other articles of your blog (on related topics) that already have an important visibility and perhaps a good number of daily visits. This is precisely what I did in my case, I added an internal link in the article that receives the most visits from the entire blog: my guide to create a blog : 👀 Eye, If your post talks about unemployment and you promote it from another post about the training of dogs … It does not even hit with tail! If the readers came to that post looking for something about training dogs, few will click to read another totally different post, do not you think?

7⃣ Promote the multimedia content of the post

Surely I do not tell you anything new if I tell you that everything that is images or videos always multiplies the possibilities that the content is shared, right? Well you know what you have to do: add images and videos . It is the best way for the readers themselves to promote your blog. This is one of the keys in which more emphasis I made when creating my post, I focused on working this multimedia content in 4 ways:

1) Design the main image We must bear in mind that the first impression is fundamental , and in this case that first impression is given with the outstanding image of the post, because it will be the one that is shared by default in social networks. In my case I wanted it to be simple and clear, that it would tell exactly what the reader is going to find in the article:

2) Create illustrative animated GIFs By this I mean that these animated GIFs teach at a stroke how the application is used. It is almost impossible not to look at them! 🙂 For this I used the free application Gif Screen Recorder , with which you can record what you do on the screen and convert it to animated GIF, being as cool as this one:

3) Record videos for YouTube Video is always a perfect claim for the user to have a good experience in your post (which improves SEO), and more if it is tutorials or guides that can be really useful. But in addition, you can receive many more visits if they end up positioning well in YouTube searches . That’s why I also focused on creating quality videos, using keywords in titles, labels and descriptions , editing subtitles manually (I took hours like a bastard …), putting very complete descriptions with links to every minute of the video, adding links to the post in question, etc .:

4) Add an infographic It is one of the graphic content that has more pull today (especially in social networks), so I could not miss one that summarized the content of the post. I have to admit that I’m a bit clumsy in the design of infographics; thank goodness I always help a crack as is Mª del Carmen (or MC as you like to call him), which makes some great designs: As you see, I’ve put this last point of all because you can be promoting all this multimedia content weeks after the publication of the post , which will strengthen your visibility over time. 😎

🚩 Conclusions

You already know how to promote your blog. And now you understand when I say that this being a blogger is not just writing articles , right? But all this work is precisely the difference between a good post that will end up going unnoticed as “one more”, and a good post that “will hit” and will be much more likely to be placed in the top positions of Google. I encourage you to do the test, prepare your next post and promote it following these 7 tactics, and then comment here if it really has been noticed more than other posts that you have written before. Do you think it’s OK? And of course, I also want to know what you think of these 7 tactics and if you know any other to know how to promote, because I want to try it! 🙂

How to promote a blog – 20 Ideas that work

One of the main challenges of every blogger is how to promote a blog . It is very easy to write articles about what you like and are passionate about, but it is very difficult to make people (your audience) care . It has happened to me many times to have published a super-extensive and useful article, and then discover that nobody cares . Image of Fotolia – © Sunny Studio That’s why, in this article, I’m going to show you 20 ways to promote your blog , which I myself have used almost entirely, and so, when you finish reading this article, you can start attracting the audience that your blog deserves .

How to promote my blog in 20 different ways

1. Create attractive titles

The best way for people to click on articles on your blog (both social networks and organic search results), is to create attractive titles . For that, you just have to describe the main benefit of the content of your blog, at the same time you have to use the correct words . For example, look at the title of this article, «20 Ways to Promote Your Blog». Describe the main benefit? Yes. This title tells you that if you read this article, you will learn 20 ways to promote your blog, something very important for every blogger and entrepreneur. Do you use the correct words? Yes, because it is concrete. Read the title well: 20 Forms. It’s specific , it’s descriptive (as I said before), and it’s interesting to click . Look for that angle to your articles, and you will see how your traffic improves.

2. Uses original or descriptive images

The images are a great complement to the articles. The more interactive and original your blog is, the better . I, in the articles of my blog, use whenever I can images to describe what I say. Especially in my tutorials. Although I admit that I do not use as many images as I would like (I am a bit lazy, what am I going to do?), It is important to make the article as interesting and addictive as possible. The images fulfill that objective .

3. Claim the authorship of Google+

The authorship of Google is an excellent way to not only promote your blog, but to improve your personal brand . In turn, authoring photos tend to increase the CTR of the search results, causing you to attract more organic traffic without improving your positions . Here is a guide on how to claim your authorship , which was written by José Galán, where he explains precisely how to do this.Note : Shortly after writing this post, Google has made the decision to remove the author photos from the search results for the following reasons . However, the “authorship” is still valid. Therefore, it is understood that linking your G + profile to your content continues to have its weight in positioning .

4. Link to other bloggers

It is important to create relationships with other bloggers . This is something that I will repeat throughout this article. Relationships matter, and a lot . A great way to create relationships, is by linking other bloggers in your articles, and letting them know you did it. The goal is simply to get to know you, nothing more. If later that blogger shares your content, thanks you, or does something unexpected, it’s another topic.

5. Create a list of influencers

The influencers are those people who are famous and respected within a specific niche. For example, Victor Martín is one of the main influencers in the world of social networks, such as Manshu Ydoxy in the world of web analytics and online marketing . These people have thousands of followers in their social network accounts, which means they have a great reach in the community. So, if one of these influencers came to share your content on social networks or on your site, you would get a great promotion at no cost. But to achieve this, you must first know who they are. I doubt you know them all. So what you have to do is create an Excel list, and list all the influencers you know in your niche. Then, begin to expand it as you find new influencers.

6. Interview with these influencers

With the list you created previously, contact and interview those influencers that you think fit the most with your blog, and your audience. This is not difficult, you just have to contact them respectfully through your email account. Then, with the interview done, ask them to share it with their followers and fans. In any case, the objective is not only to receive the traffic of your followers and fans, but to create a friendly relationship with this person.

7. Comment on other blogs

Comments on blogs are very underestimated . Most think it as a way to get links to improve positioning. However, the comments fulfill a lot of functions that most do not imagine, and that are very important to promote your blog: Comments help create a relationship with the blogger in question Comments help you become known within the community or niche Comments add naturalness to the link profile of your site The key is always to provide value . If you’re going to comment, think about what you say will bring some value to the conversation, and not just something simple like a “What a good article!”, And nothing more. MULTIPLY THE NUMBER OF CLICKS ON YOUR CONTENT With this free eBook of copywriting templates you will create titles that will trigger clicks on your content:

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8. Write articles as a guest

Unless you have entered the world of online marketing today, you surely know the concept of guest articles. Everyone talks about them now. This is because, in part, guest articles simply work, and partly because this is a fairly easy tactic to carry out. A great tactic that not only serves to obtain links of quality, but it allows to increase the referred traffic of your web site (something that not many think). Obviously, one should always publish quality articles . The greater the authority of the blog, the higher the quality should be (you do not want to make a fool, right?).

9. Invite third parties to participate

This form is the same as the previous one, but in reverse: if you have contacts or friends who have their own blog, invite them to participate in yours . The only requirement is that this contact of yours develops content relevant to your blog, and audience . If you have a cooking blog, you’re not going to want someone (no matter how friendly you are) to write about online marketing, do not you think? The greater the number of followers and fans that person has, the greater the promotion of your blog . Now do you understand why I talk about the importance of relationships?

10. Use “clik to tweet” to make people share more of your content

Click To Tweet is a web application that allows you to make people share your content on Twitterby clicking on a link. Click to Tweet is a very useful tool to promote your content since “hard work” will be done by your community. The objective of this tactic is to make your readers share the most important and relevant extracts of the articles of your blog, with very little effort. Once you enter the application, you just have to put the message, the link of the article in question, and that’s it.

11. Create attractive infographics

An excellent way to attract more traffic to your blog, is creating infographics (also called infographics ). Although in countries like the United States and Great Britain the infographics have fallen in effectiveness (due to the enormous use that the companies have given him), in this region of the world they still continue having effect. The great benefit that the infographics will bring to your blog is twofold: On the one hand, people will share it on social networks, helping to promote it through that channel On the other, it is possible that your fans publish it in their own blogs, helping to position that page in the search engines, making you promote your blog through the organic channel The only requirement to create infographics is that they must be of quality . For that, be sure to do a good preliminary investigation . And, please, make sure that the infographic is made by a professional designer . As I always say, if you’re going to do something, do it right .

12. Share the content of your blog through social networks

An obvious question for those who are familiar in the world of social networks: share your content on social networks , and make sure you do it often , without spam. For example, if you recently published an article on your blog, you would have to do the following: On Twitter, try to share your article more than once, to make sure your followers see it On Facebook, do it once, and nothing else. If you want the effect to last longer, promote it through Facebook Ads (something I recommend in special cases) In Linkedin, share it in professional groups relevant to your blog (only applicable in blogs with a professional profile) In Google Plus , do the same as on Facebook Obviously, these are very basic tips. If you want to see more about this topic, here you have a lot of more articles to read. Never forget to provide value to your audience , and that they find it useful. Do not try to sell anything either, since that is a big no in the world of social networks. If you need a hosting for your website or your blog, act!

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13. Increase the “virality” of your content

“Virality” is defined by the number of times a certain piece of content is shared on social networks. If, for example, you get to get an article on your blog tweeted more than 100 times, and get more than 100 “Like”, you could say that your article went viral (obviously, these numbers are completely random and subjective). The virality of your blog would help it get a lot of free advertising without much effort. “Viralization” is more of an art than a science, since there are innumerable amounts of tactics and strategies that help to viralize a piece of content. It is not easy to viralize a piece of content, but some of the most common ways to do that are:

● Using attractive titles (see point # 1)

● Using humor

● Using controversy

● Using something surprising or shocking Linkbaits are one of the most viralizable content pieces , which I will explain in point # 19 .

14. Throw tweets over time

Twitter is a super popular social network today. Everyone uses it. However, if your goal is to promote your blog, Twitter is not as effective as many believe. Why do I say this? Because the “feeds” of Twitter users are usually full of tweets. It is very difficult for a tweet of yours to stand out from the rest (unless you use interesting images, or be a highly respected personality in this medium). That is unless you launch relevant and quality tweets over time. That is one of the main keys to promote your blog on Twitter. A great tool that allows you to launch tweets over time is Buffer. The use and configuration of this tool is very simple, so I do not think you have problems. As soon as you can, start tweeting even 3 or 4 times a day , always relevant to your audience.

15. Create a Linkedin group

If your blog is aimed at professionals, a great way to promote it is through Linkedin . On the one hand, you could simply promote your articles in different groups that belong to the industry or niche of your profession. But a better way to do this task is to create a specific group . Here you have a good guide on how to do this. If you are interested in blogging , do not miss our compilation of the best resources for blogs & bloggers

16. Create a Facebook page

The Facebook pages (also known as the “fan pages”) are an extremely important channel for promoting a blog. The key to correctly using your Facebook page is to think that it is another separate site, with only one rule that you must respect: interact with your fans . Obviously, the difficult thing is to achieve just that. However, if you use them well, you will attract many people who will not only read your blog, but will be fans of it.

17. Add a link to your blog in the social profiles

A very easy way to get quality links is simply adding the URL of your site to the profiles of social networks. For example, on Twitter, I inserted my URL in 2 places: within the description, and within the URL field (obviously). I did the same on Twitter, and on Google Plus. Both links are not there by chance Do the same in all the social networks that you can, as long as it is relevant. Although these links are “no-follow” (that is, those links do not pass “equity” or “power” to your site), they add a certain naturalness to your link profile, as well as allow you to easily attract more traffic.

18. Create contests

A great way to promote your blog, and your brand, is to hold contests within social networks. You only need one thing: something to give . In my case, I once held a contest where I gave away a complete SEO competitive audit and analysis , a simple audit, and a keyword search . You can give away a product, a service (like what I did), or anything else that you think is worth giving away. Not only will you get to know your followers and current fans better, but you will attract new ones .

19. Create linkbaits

A linkbait is, by definition, “all viral content created in order to attract links from the web” . One achieves this when writing useful, entertaining and informative content . The great advantage of linkbaits is that they are usually very easy to viralize (see form # 15 ). Although they are not always 100% effective (since more and more linkbaits are used by bloggers and companies), they are very good at generating an impact on the audience of your niche.

20. Talk about your blog everywhere

Finally, the most classic and oldest promotion strategy of all. If you want to promote your blog, talk about it everywhere . It’s as simple as that. These 20 ideas that I gave you are born from that single idea: promote your blog where and when you can . Obviously, always do it with respect, without dislocation. If there is a person that nobody wants, it is that person who always talks about herself. Please, do not be that person .

Now is your turn

Wow, I guess you must be overloaded with the amount of information you just read. There are many ways to promote your blog, right? I imagine you do not even know where to start. Many of these tactics you could apply right now without much problem, others may take more time. In any case, do not stand by without doing anything. The time to promote your blog is now, so do this exercise that I say: I chose only 3 of the promotion tactics that you just read, and apply them right now . As simple as that. 3 tactics , nothing more. Apply them, and then tell me in the comments how it went. Good luck promoting your blog!

How to promote a blog: 10 tactics to spread the content

You already have your website created and optimized, you have a few published articles and you have made an effort to do everything possible so that everything is perfect, even if you are applying Seo to your posts. Everything has to work, right? But, have you thought about the process on how to promote a blog ? Do you really think that your content will be read like that? Do you think that you will appear in the internet search engines so soon? Think about it, Google directly skips your website for the first three months, does not take it into account, you have to consider other strategies to disseminate your blog, this does not consist of creating a web page and that’s it, there is much more. Google seems to be telling you right from the start that you have to work hard on your content and write a quality postint WordPress to start showing up on the first results of the search engine and I say your content because using your articles is the best way to promote a blog . It is logical, Google as a private company wants to use the best information and if you do it well you will end up valuing it, but you have to use it thoroughly Until then, what to do to promote the contents of your blog?

What to do to promote a blog

The most difficult thing is to start, it is already complicated when we see how a blog is created, that when we overcome that task, we also find that it is not easy to know how to promote a blog. Relax, everyone has gone through that, how to make money from home is not as easy as it seems. It is very frustrating to look at Google Analytics statistics and see that you have 10 or 20 visits per day. If I tell you my experience of how to promote my blog, my intention has been to position my website and this with Seo tools , work, a lot of patience and a bit of strategy can change but until then you have to throw everything in your hand to give you to know. You have a thousand ways to share your work and it is necessary that you do it, Google needs to see movement on your website , needs indicators that the content that you will start to value, is really good. You have to make the best possible diffusion of your blog, you have to gain visibility and for that, you have to use all the means at your disposal to gain visibility. Social networks, advertising campaigns, social aggregators, guest post, links, there are many ways to work for your website to gradually gain recognition. Your website is like a puzzle, you need to fit all the pieces one by one to make it work, and you have to see that every small advance, however small, counts .A Web is like a Puzzle, they have to perfectly fit all the pieces to make it workYou will see the different ways you have at your disposal so that your site will gain position little by little and your content will get visibility, be shared, get more readers and send signals to Google so that it will endow your domain with authority with the objective of Beat your competition . How to make a blog is not easy, all these steps will make your visits grow, without visits all the strategies that you have in your head will not be worth anything. Beware, there are those who get more conversions with fewer visits but think that the greater the scope, the greater the benefit, you have to do everything possible to reach the maximum number of people.

Where to promote and spread the content of my blog

There are many ways to start spreading your content, we will see the different ways to gain visibility so that your articles are more visited, more read and more shared. If we have an ecommerce with an internet sales page for example, thinking about how to make money with a web page if we do not have visibility can become a desperate task. How to position my web in google, how to get more work, how to promote a product, even ask yourself whether to open a blog or if creating a website has been a good idea; They are very normal questions when your website does not have the expected results . For all this there is a solution and with hard work and patience you end up getting it but you have to “chop rock” in multiple places and know that the results do not arrive overnight. Too much attention is paid to the design of an online store without knowing that you have to work a lot behind. We are going to see the different means of diffusion. What theme do you want me to talk about? Subscribe and choose a GROUP Get the latest articles, tips, tips from Seo, Marketing or Web Design I suscribe! * Read the Privacy PolicyResponsible: José Manuel Peña Fernández

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Additional information: You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in my Privacy Policy.

#one. How to promote a blog on social networks

Social networks have become one of the main sources of traffic, nowadays a project without these means of social diffusion does not have a good purpose. Over time depending on the authority that you are acquiring or the objectives that you are achieving, you can get to do without them, although from my point of view, it is a mistake since to a greater or lesser extent social networks are always going to contribute a lot to your project As I suppose you know, there are several social networks but not all are prepared to be used professionally or need to be in all, you just have to work which you are able to manage . You have to be active in networks, whether you are Seo, copywriter or any other discipline, you must be present both personally and professionally. Nowadays the figure of the Community manager is increasingly used in companies, the importance of social networks as a means of promotion is essential. Facebook, twitter, Linkedin or Instragram are increasingly adapted to companies and are impressive channels to disseminate valuable content. Interested in:

How to gain visibility in social networks

● Instagram guide for companies When it comes to promoting your posts through these social media you have to:

● Use attractive images

● Pay attention to the title and the image: They must be flashy and the image must have the measures that each social network has predetermined For example, through the Yoast Seo tool you can choose the image for twitter and facebook so that you can adjust the required dimensions or choose the one you want.

● Publish in hours of greater interaction. There is no better time to publicize your content on social networks, there are many studies that you can see on the web about what is the best time to disseminate content, I think it is very relative since it depends a lot on the sector where you move. In my case the hours where I receive more visits through social networks are in the mornings between 10:00 and 11:00 and in the afternoons between 15: 30-17: 00 Post from 3 in the afternoon can bring you added traffic, think that in South America there are between 5 and 7 hours less , if you also share in groups of South America you will have more clicks for example but each social network is different. In my opinion, you should study your community and see what hours work best for you and draw conclusions.

How to promote a blog on Twitter

If you want to start using Twitter it is very easy, you just have to start sharing your posts through this platform once you create an account. The interaction is already more difficult at first, as nobody knows you, it is not quick to get engagement and gain quality followers. In this Video, Claudio Inacio teaches you how to get quality followers on Twitter Twitter is an account where your content moves a lot, unlike other social networks where you can post many posts a day. Guy Kawasaki says that for twitter results to be optimal, it is advisable that you share about 50 post a day and even more when sharing those of other professionals. It may seem crazy and maybe it’s too much, but sharing 20 post a day is not such a bad idea, think that an article to share on twitter lasts only a few minutes. To publish so many tweets you can not do it manually, for it there are very powerful automation tools in which you will only have to program the post you want to publish and this tool will take care of sharing it for you. Although twitter is a social network for predesigned automation, it is not good to abuse this, you must be behind in each moment to thank, share and talk, so many people are not able to manage social networks Surely this post can help you organize yourself better:

How to manage time 14 expert professionals in Marketing For these automatic blog promotions, there are tools such as:

● Klout

● Buffer

● bitz

● hootsuite

● postcron I stay with Buffer because it is a simple and effective tool to promote the contents of a blog

How Buffer works to spread the content of your website

With the free version of buffer, you can promote a blog to be able to schedule up to 10 post a day for free , at the times that you mark and the days you choose from social networks such as Facebook, Google+ or Twitter, although it is the latter where more useful it is given. These are some of the options that include buffer in its free version.

● You can post up to 10 post a day.

● You can automatically add the article you want in a click to the publication queue (queue).

● Schedule the time and day in which you want to schedule the broadcast of a post

● See analytics of shared articles broken down by more retweets, more likes or more clicks.

● Choose shortening url.

● Move the tweets as you wish in the publication order you want.

● Install the chrome buffer extension with which you can automatically share an article of yours or any other professional with a simple click. As you can see is a very powerful social network tool with which you can promote your blog automatically. So that little by little you can generate more interaction, you have to be grateful to whoever shares your content, it’s a social network, use it as such.

How to promote a blog on Facebook

Facebook is a more personal tool than twitter although you have many possibilities to share your posts through the multitude of groups that you can join, not only to contribute your article but to interact with other people. and gain visibility Accessing the Facebook search engine you can find a multitude of groups related to your topic simply by searching by name, you must search and interact with them as they will greatly help you to promote yourself. Think that any article shared through this medium can be multiplied by each of the friends you have or people who are in the different groups. There are many others where you can not only share articles but also allows you to have a lot of interaction with which you can not only create networking, you can also raise your strategy and get help to see people who are in the same situation as you. Highly recommended groups of digital marketing on facebook:

● Social media

● Social Media Club and Community manager

● Friends of Semrush

● Positioning

● Social Media Branding Seo

● Community Manager club

● Let’s talk about Digital Marketing-Cloud Advertising

● Copywriting-Personal Brand

Ways to raise the visibility with Linkedin to promote your blog

Linkedin is becoming increasingly social, post dissemination has become the new form of curriculum. Although it is still a more serious network, there is more interaction and articles are usually read more. Also you have interesting group where to share your post. In marketing, for example, you have two very interesting groups, such as:

Social Media Marketing

● Marketing, advertising and communication

● Marketing in social networks

● Marketing 2.0

Instagram as a social network to promote your most personal blog

Instagram is a more informal network where you can show the most personal side, the generation of trust is very important and contact with other professionals in the sector is very necessary, no doubt to a greater or lesser extent it is very useful to promote your personal brand . Also today, like facebook, you can show online advertising campaigns for facebook ads. Being able to use ads on the internet through instragram advertising is another advantage if you want to know how to make an advertisement. There are many social networks, more than you imagine you should use them depending on the market niche that you need to cover, think about the age and if your theme fits into it. Regardless of the social network that you use, you will see that little by little you are generating interactions with other professionals in your sector and this is fundamental. Not everything is to share your articles, you have to share content from third parties , in this way you will also get more authority in your field and you can also create good relationships with other professionals in your social circle.

#two. Promote your website using the Guest posting

A good practice to promote the content of a blog either in online marketing or in any other discipline is the guest posting, you will gain visibility by publishing articles in other blogs of the same theme. Try posting on blogs that have authority and many visits a month, this way people will get to know you. Some people think that you have to spend less time on your own site and publish in another professional blog, in my opinion I do not see it as clear, it is difficult to know which is the ideal percentage because of the high visibility that other blogs give you, if not You have a lot of content even in your site, you will not be able to offer much. My advice is that you use a medium term and that you work hard publishing on your site and when you have an acceptable number of posts try to make a collaboration. Most professionals are open to receive guest post, do not be ashamed to propose a topic and write on your blog. When you see the opportune moment to publish in the blog of another professional, you have to know that what you write has to be equal or better than what you do in yours, first out of respect for the partner who invites you to his house and second because this will open even more doors, you must do it well.

#3. Use campaigns to publicize your blog

Facebook ads, twitter ads, linkedin ads, Google adwords … are several internet advertising companies that exist today. Using these online advertising campaigns to promote a blog are very necessary when you have been a while since visibility is essential, you will have to use them to gain time. All professionals to a greater or lesser extent use them or have used them. You have to see these types of advertising on your website as an investment , regardless of the positive progress that your website has, the possibilities of visibilities offered by these tools are incredible. Ads on the internet as a good Facebook ads campaign (cheaper than Google adwords) can shoot incredibly (if you use a good segmentation and have creativity when placing the ads) the number of visits to your web pages. You can read this complete Facebook Ads guide and create a profitable campaign

#4. Promote content in Comments or Forums

Leave comments on other blogs of your same theme can be very positive to gain more recognition. The fact that people end up seeing you in several places is very beneficial. In addition you get a link to your site that may be better than it seems, check it out by reading this article on nofollow linksThe forums although a while ago was a site where much was taken advantage of to obtain dofollow links without contributing anything of value nowadays most try to avoid this by encouraging dialogue among its users. Nowadays the moderators have taken care that these links are nofollow, which is very important for them to really do their job, generate interaction; use them because through them you can give yourself more to know (whenever you contribute something) Forobeta is a very active community where you can interact with people related to Marketing but you can search the Internet for forums of all types of topics to promote your site.

#5. To Social Gregaries

Social aggregators are another way to promote a blog with good results. Its operation is simple, simply insert the url of the article you want to promote, then write a title, a description and some labels and this post will be published on the portal where it will be voted opting to get to the cover page. Getting to the cover will generate a lot of visibility and visits to your website. There are several social aggregators, I will recommend two focused on digital marketing


The aggregator of Mktfan is the most active and although it is not easy to get to the front page , it is possible (for the moment and sometimes it works) to lighten the process as I explain now. As you have seen in the video, it is very easy to publish, but what is the problem? The issue is that you have only 48 hours for that article you want to promote get the 25 votes that Mktfan demands to reach the front page and the difficulty is not in obtaining votes but in the administrators of Mktfan, who do not publish it many times . This can get to despair, but there is a trick.

• Trick Mktfan!

We have to promote our content, if there is a trick for it, better not? When you upload the url and fill in the following fields, you have to look at the title, this will be the one you need to speed up the publication. The title must go without strange symbols. Once everything is ready, publish it in mktfan but before copying that url. This url copied you will have to insert it behind the following code (in lowercase and separated by dashes) Following the example, you have to do it in the following way:http://mktfan.com/story.php?title=keys-to-design-a-web-page-of-successThere are times that cancel the url to detect that it has been entered manually You can try inserting that url generated manually in the browser to verify that the url is working correctly so that they can vote for you OK and who shares? I know it is difficult when nobody knows you, to receive votes, it does not matter if you write a very good article, you have to accept it, assume that you have to earn that visibility . Surely you can make a good little group on facebook where you can do the ploy to get the 25 votes. I believe that a very high percentage of the competition uses it, use it because if not, at the beginning if nobody knows you it will be very difficult.Another trick Extra! Mktfan only lets you publish an article once but if you have migrated from http to https, you can use both urls and it will allow you to publish the same post twice in different days 😉


Marketertop is another very active social aggregator in which you can leave your post to be seen and in this way promote your blog a little bit more. The upload operation of the article is exactly the same as Mktfan although with fewer obstacles. Marketertop has fewer users than Mktfan but everything adds up.


Bloguers.net is another social aggregator with a lot of interaction with you in which you can not only publish your articles, you can also upload your YouTube videos, further expanding the possibilities of dissemination. It works really well, try it. Please click here if you want a tutorial tool

# 6 Youtube channel

How to promote a blog through a YouTube channel is today the best ways to promote your personal brand, videos (depending on the theme) can be positioned before. If within the video you place links to others created and inserted into the description of your website and articles, you will undoubtedly gain visibility. YouTube is increasingly elementary and today offers many possibilities, is in full swing. This is another very powerful way to promote your blog and another large number of visitors to your website through your video program. You can read this article where I explain step by step how to create a YouTube channel.

How to create a YouTube channel and upload your videos in 10 minutes

# 7 Create Podcast

The podcast is another very good means of dissemination to promote the contents of a blog. We go with little time, we move from one place to another and be able to hear interviews or the same articles in audio in the car or on any device is a promotional tool to be taken into account. Think that you have many ways to gain visibility, analyze which one suits you the most and use them. Analyze what tools to promote your website are more suited to your way of working and use them

# 8 Link to other external content

Another way to promote a blog is by inserting external links to other professionals’ blogs, now I explain why. A while ago this is very measured, it seemed that if you appointed several professionals in your sector not only lose users but also lose linkjuice(transfer of authority) This is not the case and every time it becomes more natural. If you are writing a content and while you are doing it comes to mind an article that you have read or a professional that fits perfectly with what you are recommending in your article put a link to your site To what end? Well, very simple, in my case I do not force links, only if they fit me when I read interesting blogs and checking that not all are dofollow (depends on several factors). The purpose is that if you have linked that person and see that you have done so through the results of Google search console for example, it is very likely that you share that content. In this way, it is good for any click to receive that link and you can increase visits when you get the post shared to your followers You can also let this partner know that you have linked him either by means of a message or by adding in the description of the post including the name he uses in each of the social networks. You have to take the link that you put to the website of another professional as a strategy that will reinforce the Seo of your article since you will be offering an added value to the user In addition, this person will receive some strength in the linked article and is sure to be happy.

# 9. Expand the Network of contacts and network

Relacionate, make contacts with colleagues in the sector, not only sharing your articles as I just told you now, interact with them personally and professionally. I guarantee that you can make friends and professional agreements in daily contact. Networking is fundamental, attending events is still very necessary to learn and personally know those people you know online and others that you have not reached. Although the digital world gains strength, direct physical contact is still necessary. Come in story you can meet these people because surely it is very positive for your project, in the case you will not find the time, if you work well the personal brand, little by little you can create good relationships online until such encounters occur .

# 10. Promote your personal brand

Your content is very good, I do not say no, but despite the fact that google increasingly pays more attention to articles that provide real value, I can assure you that today there are post at the top and do not move even if they have two years of antiguaty. Before they said that the content is king, now that is the user for me still for now, is the authority.The king is not the content or the user, it is the authorityIt is not like before, with a good strategic work you can reach good positions in Google but it still costs a lot to overcome referents that have a domain with great authority, on the one hand it is logical, they have worked hard to be there. There is no other, we must continue working to overcome them, I do not say that they are bad post, much less but you can check sometimes that others who are behind contribute much more to the user . Although in your article you include 30 videos, 15 infographics, 4 podcasts and you make a good seo onpage and offpage, you will not overcome them until you win an authority, and this is only achieved with work. These marketing professionals are not only for the quality of their articles and their authority, but also a high number of external links to your blog, shares, likes … It is like that and it is logical that people have a brand behind them that do what they do their article will position themselves in greater or lesser degree because they move masses, you have to strengthen your brand little by little to achieve something similar and this is achieved with the colon previousDigital marketing is a ball where everything influences, make it bigger


If you do not believe in your project nobody will do it, you have to create something good, spend all your efforts in doing it, the diffusion will be much easier with a good content of value behind and the best way is showing it by all the ways you have to your reach, take advantage of them If you do everything following an order and having patience, you will find a way for your content and your brand to be recognized.


Do you wonder where to promote my blog and do not know what to do? If so, do not worry, you’ll know where to promote a blog in this post right now. When we start an online project, in the vast majority of cases nobody knows you. Therefore, we will have difficulties in that people can locate us within the search servers. There are several reasons that influence us and these are one of them:

● Our page is not indexed

● The blog is very recent

● It has little content

● You are poorly positioned on the search servers. These examples are logical, because if you just started a blog or a website, surely these cases are suffering right now. But there are several ways to give a boost to your page so that we can gradually climb positions and, above all, trust those readers who decide to read us. A good strategy is to promote ourselves in the different sites that they offer us in the network . But there are two general ways to do it:

● Paying

● For free It is true that the process is generally slower than paying, but we have an advantage to all this, we have a natural Seo and generally has much more impact and strength than paid. In previous articles I have been commenting that social networks and participating in different blogs and forums is a good alternative to be known, since you can interact as people of great prestige in your niche and can give you strength. But it is not the only way to promote yourself. There are pages specialized in this precisely, in promoting themselves. Do you wonder how to promote my blog? Well, look at the following information. Where to promote my blog? The best alternatives to promote a free blog If you want to know where to promote a blog , the time has come. In this precise moment, you are going to know the best places and alternatives that you have to make yourself known. There are many alternatives but, without a doubt, these are the best .


In my experience, it’s a very good place to promote yourself, since you can publish all your articles on your blog without being labeled a “spammer”. You can put as many articles as you want, you can even put articles from other pages if you wish. The system there is as follows: People who see your news, score if they liked your article. Therefore, the more points, the higher you will be positioned on the page and you will get more visits. As in everything, from one day to the next you will not receive hundreds of visits, but it is one of the quick ways to achieve it. If you act as it should, you will see how you will have more and more visits to your blog from bitacoras.com. When you register, you may be waiting a few days for approval. It is normal, since they have to investigate your page if it is suitable or not according to the content you have of your blog. This happens in most portals like this, so do not take it as an offense.Update:Currently Bitácoras.com has become another type of page and is no longer valid for you to promote your blog.But do not worry, there are more alternatives as you will see below.


It is a very important and highly recommended page. In this portal, many current bloggers of great renown have been promoted. Therefore it is obvious that it is the best. It is important to say, that they are a bit strict. It does not let you put any type of links in your article to your own page. Nor do you let this same article promote it in other places. So, if you decide to promote yourself on this page, keep an eye on what articles you promote on other sites or you will be expelled. Once you have written the article, there is a section that if people want they can visit your blog. So, do not worry, if you have good articles, the influence of visitor traffic is assured. Here you will also have to wait a few days before your articles approve. It is for the same explanation of the previous case. So encourage you to try this site that is really good.


It is not the first time that I promote this site , I will be even a little heavy. But it is a very good initiative to promote your blog and meet people face to face in the blogger world, with which you can also have very good friendships. In addition you can do barsketing , that will be ideal for you too. The benefit in registering here is huge, since you can get links from other blogs, you will have recommendations and the increase in visitor traffic is assured. Also, if you do at least one weekly article, at the end of the month you are awarded with a badge like the one on the blog on the right. With this you affirm that you take your project seriously and this for your readers is good. Since it is a way to make sure that the person who is reading is a person committed to their affairs.


If you’re still wondering where to promote my blog, Marketertop may be the best solution you have. It is a portal where all the bloggers and webmasters that participate here, in addition to sharing their content, the platform shares its content automatically on Twitter. Yes, this platform is adapted for bloggers in the online marketing, SEO, Social Media, web analytics, web design, among others.Sign up on the platform and enjoy its benefits .


MktFan is a platform very similar to the previous case. The system is practically the same and the theme too.Maybe you like this article:How to detect the plagiarism of a text?One of the most substantial differences is the great trajectory that MktFan has as a platform to share content. In fact, the most notable influencers in the sector interact there. So you know, if you do not know how to promote your blog, register on this platform .


Menéame.net is one of the most popular platforms of the moment. In fact, those who manage to get on the cover, can get thousands of visits to the blog for several days and regardless of the subject matter (obviously normal topics). Really impressive. However, interacting on this platform is not easy. If you want to promote your blog, you should know how. Therefore, before you register, I recommend you read these posts:

Watch the Menaame Mafia

How to earn money in Menéame?

Google Plus

Google Plus is a social network par excellence to promote your blog. First, because it is the social portal of Google and SEO effects is beneficial and, second, because there are thousands of communities that you can promote yourself . Recommended reading:How to manage Google Plus communities? But there are not only communities, if you create your own Google Plus collection you can promote your publications and others will follow it.


Linkedin is another social network where you can not only share your content, but you can also promote your blog in Linkedin groups where, apart from all this, you can create alliances with professionals in your sector and all the benefits that entails. However, there are other aspects that you should keep in mind, better read this . Still ask yourself the question how to promote my blog? Well, keep reading.


Of course I can not forget about Twitter: a social network that millions of people interact daily and where your publication can become a tending tropic. If you manage to become a reference on Twitter, which is not easy, it will improve your life a lot. Of course, do not forget to put a name for appropriate Twitter if you want to succeed in this social network.


Facebook has become one of the most effective places to promote a blog. Interaction and conversion in this social network is a reality without palliatives. Now the most common is to promote the articles in the thousands of Facebook groups that there are . I can assure you that, if you do it right, you can have a huge impact. But you can also share your content on your own Fanpage or user profile. Whatever you do, surely your post will reach many people. Recommended reading:

How to make a Fanpage?

Basic concepts about Facebook groups There are many more pages to promote yourself, but these are the ones I consider best :). If you consider that there are others of better and I have not put it here you can leave me a comment and expose it, it will be welcome. However, if you are still wondering where to promote my blog, I will give you this last recommendation:

Make Guest posting

Promote your blog in other blogs similar to yours and that contain the same theme. And, to be able, that is of an influencer. Basically because there are some compelling reasons to do this type of action. It is important not to abuse, but a normal practice is beneficial for these reasons:

● You can make content that points to the contents of your blog. It is a way of doing linkbuilding

● Readers from other blogs will know you and may want to read a blog from now on

● You can get collaborations or services

● Etc. Now you think that Guest Posting is worth to promote a blog? Surely yes. Therefore, now that you know this, let your online promotion strategy for your blog begin . Summarizing accounts, all these alternatives are, in fact, exceptional promotional tools .

Where to invest money to promote your blog?

Until now you have known the best options to promote your blog totally free. However, investing money in the promotion on your page is also vital. For the simple reason that you will also have other alternatives that will allow you to have more visibility and a better positioning. Among them will be the link building and the sponsored posts. It’s a great way to promote yourself and get the desired visibility. So where to turn? I recommend these platforms:


Lowpost has become one of the best options to promote your blog. Among other things because you have the opportunity to make two promotions totally free with all payment features. It’s a great way to do link building and generate conversions because at Lowpost they have quality writers who will write extraordinary content that will help attract the audience to your site. Try it and you will see it, although if you need more information you can know more about Lowpost as a client .


Coobis is, without a doubt, one of the best platforms to promote a blog. You have several options to choose from to make your particular promotion. These options are the following:

● Promotion through sponsored articles

● Creation of texts for the web that you want

● Promotion in social networks One of the most exponential advantages is that you will have access to websites and social profiles of influencers that will help you to promote as it should. If you need more information, I have this post about Coobis for companies . Still wondering how to promote my blog? Well, these are my suggestions. And for now this is all. I recommend you visit this post frequently because I will update it as you find interesting alternatives.

How to promote a Blog with 7 infallible tactics

When you start to take your first steps as a blogger, one of the great handicaps that you are presented with is how to promote your content. And it is that, at least when I started working with my own blog, the maxim that “only your parents and your partner read you” was fulfilled. Therefore, in view of how little success the content I was publishing weekly in my blog was, I was realizing that within my blogging strategy there was a missing factor: the promotion of my content. It was then when, investigating in the different sources that it had to my scope, I realized that without a good strategy of promotion of my blog , this one not only never would reach the more than 40,000 visits that nowadays has, but it would not be able to give me to know among the other digital marketing professionals. And is that, in addition to traffic, there are other factors of equal or greater importance that will be a consequence of a good promotion of the contents that you publish within your personal or professional logs. These we will see later, however, before proceeding, I would like to clarify some concepts, so that from the beginning we have clear to what to refer to the concept of “promoting a blog”:

What exactly must we understand by “promoting a blog”?

Before starting advising you on what are the best techniques and strategies to promote it, I would like to clarify what exactly I understand with this concept. Personally, I like to refer to this concept as ” promoting the contents of a blog “, since, by definition, the basis or cornerstone of a blog are its contents. Therefore, I want you to be clear that all the advice I will give you in today’s article will refer to articles, posts or, ultimately, blog content that you have started or are thinking of starting soon. A simple example is the following: if you want to spread your content on social networks (remember to create a Social Media Plan before), it is obvious to think that it will not be as successful to share the “home” of your blog as a content where you show an article where you give tricks to get followers in that same social network.

What is the purpose of promoting a blog?

These are some of the consequences and utilities that have the fact of promoting and disseminating your blog and its contents, as well as the services and other categories or sections that you include within your site.

1. Get more amount of web traffic (quality)

As I mentioned earlier, this is one of the indisputable reasons that lead a blogging professional to spread their content. And it is that, without attracting qualified and quality traffic, we can not achieve the achievement of the other approaches that I will do in the following points. You should notice that I say “qualified traffic” and also “quality”, since you must seek, through the techniques I show you later, that your actions are always aimed at attracting users potentially interested in what you offer.Do you want an example?If, like me, you have a marketing and social media blog, it is worthless to generate a very well positioned content on “the best foods to lose weight”, since you will attract people who are obviously interested in consuming a content very different from the one you offer as a marketing professional. Therefore, this will also be against you, since this user, realizing soon after reading your article about weight loss, do not offer any more content on similar topics, will leave your page, again doing another search for your thematic of interest. This will make the time spent on your blog is not what you expect and that, due to this content, the average page views of your site always store 1, something not too favorable to Google.

2. Get more Leads

If you have in your blog any infoproduct with which you intend to capture leads and increase your list of subscribers, undoubtedly you should focus all your efforts on promoting the contents of your blog. This will cause you to increase the traffic of your website, as I have just mentioned before, which increases the chances of obtaining leads. Not only can you capture your readers through an ebook, although this is the most usual way among most bloggers. Other types of infoproducts, which you can offer to get leads, is to give a template for your WordPress or give a discount for your next online course.

3. Promote your Personal Brand

Especially when you are starting out in this sector of blogging, it costs more than we would like you to know us and to be recognized for our work. Therefore, carrying out many of the techniques of promoting our content, we will achieve, with patience, a lot of perseverance and perseverance, work properly our Brand and show our talent and values ​​to other professionals and / or potential customers.

What should you know before creating an effective promotion strategy?

When we are about to start the promotion of our blog, it is convenient that you stop to think before the time that these actions will take you. Remember that when you work online, all the time you can optimize is gold, since one of the productivity problems of any digital entrepreneur is the lack of productivity. Therefore, my advice is that you always apply the famous theorem or Pareto Law of 80/20 , which comes to say something like:In any self-respecting strategy, you must try that 80% of the results you achieve are the result of 20% of the work or effort.Following this philosophy and applying it to blogging, you should invest 20% to generate your content and 80% of it to promote it or disseminate it in the different channels or media. In this way, you will be ensuring a correct and balanced investment of your time, to achieve the greatest possible effectiveness.

7 ways to promote the contents of a blog

These are some of the tactics or strategies that you could carry out from today, if you want to take your blog to the next level and achieve all the objectives that you have marked:

1. Make your blog known when there is enough content

One of the mistakes that many bloggers make when promoting their blog is that they start to spread their articles (and the entire blog itself) as soon as they finish writing their first post. This, although it is the tendency that we all want to do, is not recommended, since, in case your reader has liked that article, he will try to browse other posts of your blog, wanting to read more about what that you have written. This feeling of euphoria will soon be turned off, seeing that you only have that article, making it, most likely, never visit again, since you will be giving a certain feeling of blog abandoned. What can I do to solve it? My advice is to announce your blog “in society” when you have written at least 3 to 5 articles, so that, in addition to giving your readers the ability to navigate among them, you can also link them with each other. This, as you know, will favor the on-page SEO of your website.

2. Create titles and covers that generate expectation

Wherever the platform where you pretend to make your content known, one of the first actions you must take is to be sure that your article is attractive enough for people to click on it and enter to read it. This will obviously depend on many factors, but the first one without doubt is the “card” or business card, that is: the title and the cover image. These should be attractive and eye-catching enough to incite your reader to enter it.How can I get it?The first thing you should get is that, making them attractive and striking, do not fall into the error of transmitting an idea of ​​that wrong or wrong content, making them enter and, seeing that it does not correspond to the content, leave your post immediately . Search therefore that with the title and cover awarded, get to put the user in “expectation” mode, around the subject you treat in the text. My particular way of putting this into practice is to put as a title a question like “How to create …?”, “What is …?” Or “Where can I download …?”. These are ways to create a title that, when read by the user, makes you want to answer the question, so you will undoubtedly enter to see your content.

3. Mention other professionals and references

One of the techniques that I personally follow is to mention in my articles other professionals of the sector, in my case digital marketing. Whatever your own, I’m sure you know some of the top professionals in your niche, who for years have been great and who, surely, you follow and admire. As long as you come to the case with the issue you are addressing, you could name those people, mentioning some achievement that exemplifies what you are explaining in your article. In this way, by sharing it for example in social networks, you could tag or mention them, so that the platform will notify you of your mention. This will make them happy that you have taken them into account, increased the possibilities of creating empathy links with them and also that they share this post on their social networks, making the promotion of your content multiply.

4. Share your article in the main social networks

Something more than obvious is that you should share your content in social networks related to the theme of it. And, if you notice, I say in the main networks, which means that you should discard those in which this initially will have almost no engagement or interactions.In what networks should I share it?This would be the million dollar question, for which, the answer should be: “it depends”. And it depends a lot on what sector is your blog and what are the most suitable social networks, since if your target audience is not in them, it will not help to invest time in it. In general, the ones that tend to be more successful are: Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. In the case of the latter, I recommend that, according to the latest updates of its algorithm, according to which each time the organic contents have less relevance and impressions, you share them in thematic groups. They tend to work better and the members are, yes or yes, professionals or at least interested in the subject of it.

5. Use news aggregators

Although you may have heard that they are in decline, news aggregators are a great way to disseminate and promote your content and make new users know your blog. Here you will find different users to those who usually interact with your content on your social networks, so you will be reaching people who do not even know that your blog exists, … precisely one of your main objectives. Some that I use are:

● MktFan

● MarketerTop

● Scoop.it!

● Paper.li

● Bloguers.net How can I promote my blog through one of these platforms?

6. Link your new articles with the older posts

This is a technique that today’s bloggers hardly use, either due to forgetfulness or ignorance of the benefits it brings. It consists of, once you publish your new post, link it from your articles that have more traffic and also with those of the same theme. Thus, you will favor the attraction of traffic to this new content from other own content, so that users who visit your most successful articles can know the one you just published. This, in short, is a way to promote your new content without leaving your own blog and helping to boost your own SEO On-page, so forgotten in some cases. But, how can I know which are my items with the most traffic?

7. Link your new content from other blogs

Both to publicize and promote this and other articles that interest you most of your blog, one of the techniques that I like is the guestblogging. Through articles that you write in other blogs of great authority and relevance, you can amplify the diffusion of yours, adding a link to it. For this, my advice is that you always choose blogs of great authority but, above all, blogs that have a lot of traffic and that, if possible, are the most related to your possible niche. This will have more positive consequences for your blogging strategy, since it will improve your SEO Off-page, since they will make you get backlinks to your website and also increase your “referred traffic”, within the analytics of your blog.


Promote the contents of your blog will be, especially in your beginnings as a blogger, something new and difficult, so you should start as soon as possible, if you want your blog to be known among those in your professional sector. As I mentioned before and also you have intuited with these strategies, the dissemination and promotion of a blog should occupy about 80% of your time. That is, much more than the creation and generation of the content itself. Invest time in these 7 techniques that I have described previously and you will see how in a few months the fruits start to arrive.

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