Real-time Marketing

What is Real Time Marketing?

Do you know the Real Time Marketing? It is possible that you will not find an exact definition but surely you have lived several cases in which this technique has been used. Do you remember the Super Bowl blackout in which Oreo took advantage of the moment? That’s what Real Time Marketing is about, to launch immediate communications.To take advantage of the moment with creativity.Today’s consumers are increasingly looking for immediacy. We are used to using our smartphones, tablets or social networks. And practically throughout the day we are updated and informed about everything that is happening. Companies have also had to adapt to this new era of web 2.0. It is difficult to impact someone who already knows what you are going to say.And much more manage to cause emotions. Therefore, the way in which brands launch digital marketing campaigns has also had to change. Real Time Marketing is a discovery that requires cunning, updating and lots of creativity.

What is Real Time Marketing?

If this concept could be defined with two words, the most appropriate would be: Here and now.It consists of a strategy that tries to create messages at the right time. It usually implies the relationship of a brand with an event or a specific situation. But, in reality, it serves for anyone who knows how to take advantage of that precise moment and thus get viral. A few years ago, mobile marketing caused a sensation. However, to give you an idea of ​​the power of Real Time Marketing, is currently the center of all eyes. And do you imagine through what media are the content released? Of the most immediate, social networks. And to consume on mobile devices.To take advantage of Real Time Marketing, the fundamental thing is to be fast. The repercussion that your content has can change from one second to another. And if someone goes ahead, all your effort will have been in vain. Even so, brands struggle to be original and be at the right time in the right place. Since, in this way, they will ensure that their digital marketing strategies are not only effective but can persist in the minds of consumers.

Fundamental characteristics of Real Time Marketing

Real Time Marketing is composed of three factors that define it from start to finish. And in fact they are the ones that are taken into account when creating immediate strategies. The goal. The end of these strategies is always to go viral. And for this we must achieve impact on the recipient of messages. In addition to being absolutely fast you must take into account the keys to create a viral campaign . And as we always indicate less is more. So try to impact from the simplicity. Do not complicate yourself. Social networks are the medium. In this case, Twitter is the favorite platform for brands to launch their Real Time Marketing content. That’s right. This social network is the one that moves millions of conversations in real time, so immediacy is the order of the day. However, Facebook or other social networks are also good scenarios to launch content of this type. Its beginning Real Time Marketing is born from the need to impact. Therefore, it seeks to take advantage of a topic of interest and capture the attention of users. In this case the events or shocking news are the perfect threads. Where do you start to launch Real Time Marketing content and not die trying? As you can imagine, in order to create a successful campaign you need a lot of creativity and speed. And for this your team must be as informed or more than the users. But that’s not all, because the important thing in this case is that you should always be ready. Only this way you will find the key situations to act on them: Find out about upcoming events. Especially if you know that they will cause a stir . In addition to being immediate platforms, social networks also allow you to know the users. In this way you will be able to know which are the events or situations that they like the most, those that comment more or those that criticize. Investigate what is being talked about. You must be alert of everything that happens about those subjects. Keep your team ready to work. In cases as urgent as these you will need the work of several professionals such as a community manager, a copy and a graphic designer to be able to launch powerful messages instantly. Choose the perfect moment. Once you are informed and have your team ready for what may happen around a specific situation, you must decide at what precise moment you want to act. A minute or so can decide that your campaign is a success or that it goes unnoticed. Therefore, we recommend you keep in mind the following: ○ Decide in advance on what platform you will launch your strategy . Depending on the channel in which you want to impact you must use some techniques or others. ○ Adapt the message to that platform. The way in which you write the content will not be the same for Twitter as for Instagram, for example. Also depending on the audience of each media, your communication will have one language or another. ○ I know how fast you can. You do not have time to perfect details, you must be as effective as possible in the shortest possible time. Only in this way will you get ahead of yourself.

4 examples of success

You know the theory but maybe you need a little touch of inspiration to finish understanding what Real Time Marketing consists of. Therefore we show you some of the campaigns that have become more viral thanks to this technique. As you can see, successful strategies do not require convoluted strategies. In the simple is often the power.

1.- Norwegian

The shocking news that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had been divorced was a golden opportunity for the brands at the end of 2016. But only one of them knew how to make the most of it: the airline Norwegian Arliness . That ediante managed to viralize his promotions of flights to the United States with a brilliant campaign of Real Time Marketing . Did you think that great designs were needed to impact? In this case the impact is the title of the campaign: ” Brad is single! ” But what does Brad Pitt have to do with an airline? Actually, nothing. What shows that there is no need for your brand to have a direct relationship with the event or event. You just have to find a way to relate to him and play with humor or irony. However, you should not use any situation to launch your strategy. That’s why you should look for the way to connect with it. Once you have the image of your brand and the target that is related to that particular moment or event, it will be a matter of putting imagination into it. This announcement of Norwegian Airlines was not only published on social networks, but also graphics were created for printed newspapers that managed to position the brand even more.

2.- Wilkinson

In an event so long awaited and acclaimed as Eurovision there is always room to make your own publicity. Although in this case Wilkinson was exceeded, as it was totally unexpected and also came to hair. The brand took advantage of the participation of Conchita Wurst, who was also the winner, to send a congratulatory message. But it was not any message, but took advantage of what differentiates Conchita Wurst, his beard, and related it to the brand to turn it viral and gain notoriety in the digital environment.

3.- British Airways

As you can see, Real Time Marketing messages are not always launched on social networks. Norwegian also launched its campaign in traditional media. And this is another example that stands out from the usual. Especially because the brand has not taken advantage of a situation or event to launch its strategy. It is a layout created for British Airways where technology is used to track the planes that fly over the city. In addition, the protagonist is a child who chases the planes simulating the emotion that creates in the small see them for the first time. So in addition to producing a live interaction is played with emotion.

4.- White and yellow or black and blue?

Remember the controversy that brought the dress of one of those colors? Some said it was white and yellow and others clearly saw it black and blue. This dilemma had a great impact on the media. In fact, for weeks, users discussed color in different social networks and in digital and analogue channels. Justifying with all its arguments that it was one or the other. The brands also participated. How could they not take advantage of a debate that was giving so much to talk about? We bring you some examples of the Real Time Marketing creatives that were launched with this theme, decide for yourself which one you think was most creative and effective:

1.- Lego

2.- Oreo :

3.- Dunkin ‘Donuts :

4.- Xbox :

As you can see, any excuse is good for launching with Real Time Marketing strategies. Of course, provided you have clear who you want to go and know what to do to impact that target audience. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. Therefore, for these Real Time Marketing campaigns to work, it is necessary to have therightleads. Do you need to capture more leads at a lower cost ? Try Antevenio Go! . We will surprise you as well as the best examples of Real Time Marketing.

What is Marketing in real time?

Real-time marketing tests ingenuity, creativity and the reaction of brands to their own environment. How was it applied in the country and what were the results.

image galleryThe brand of condoms Prime decided to greet all its potential customers on a very special day: Father’s Day. In effect, Prime took advantage of the national celebration to tell his consumers, and possibly make them laugh a little, that his brand of condoms is more effective than the rest. All normal until now, an ingenious campaign taking advantage of a national event. But everything became very strange when in July of this year everyone was waiting for a strange green object, presumably a meteor or asteroid, walk through the sky of our planet. Another less spectacular event, the release of Prime Neon, a condom that shines in the dark, also happened that same month. The combination now seems obvious. Prime went out to ask his followers if they had liked their advertising in heaven. What’s going on? Real-time marketingThe real-time marketing or marketing in real time is a marketing strategy that consists of making attractive messages of the brand but related to events or news that happen at that precise moment to generate impact and virality capable of achieving relevance in social networks, the online world in general and the traditional media. Campaigns of this kind require cunning, a sense of marketing and a lot of creativity. The secret is knowing how to see opportunities in the news juncture, something that journalists and media specialists handle relatively well but that marketing experts do not know as much. But it’s time for them to do it.When the new modality of blue accents was made news on WhatsApp, those who acknowledge receipt of the message, the Rexona brand soon took advantage of it. Using in its favor the high traffic generated by the news, Rexona, the brand of deodorants and antiperspirants whose logo, coincidentally, is identical to the tilde of WhatsApp, rose to the media wave and the result was a brilliant and free action of digital marketing in Facebook and Twitter lowered the slogan “while they ignore you, Rexona does not abandon you”. This type of marketing in real time is known as “newsjacking”, something like hijacking a news item for the advertising benefit of the brand. One of the most remembered cases in our country is Quilmes. After a viral news of an employee who destroyed a cargemento of beers, Quilmes instead of turning a deaf ear began to look hard and reward him as a hero. Quilmes transformed a light news of the noon news in a national crusade to find and reward the #PibeDeLosCajones. He literally stole the news for himself.In our society everything is ephemeral and advances towards immediacy. Therefore, brands have to react accordingly and adapt to this situation. We must take advantage of all communication opportunities quickly, creatively and decisively. But we must specify that it is not only to answer our users when we are mentioned, but also that conversations must be started and made to be fluid. Through real-time marketing actions, it is possible to create a very powerful communication that allows a brand to reach its audiences thanks to the information available about customers with the aim of improving that relationship. If this is done in the right way, the brand-consumer link is strengthened. And that’s how the Toddy brand understood it.

The #Toddyrectioners was a marketing movement of the Toddy cookie brand that perfectly exemplifies the speed of action and the importance of the one-to-one link with the consumer. When fans and fans of the band One Direction invaded the network urging brands to advertise the new video for the band the vast majority of companies the eliminated without further because it is undoubtedly a campaign of spam and trolling to industrial scales. Toddy on the other hand, known for his pleasant interaction with his consumers in social networks, joined the campaign and managed to place his brand in a trending topicglobal on Twitter. It was one of the first national brands to achieve that. Spam and news were accommodated in real time and they knew how to use it to their advantage.

Marketing’ in real time vs. ‘marketing’ at the appropriate time

Many marketing professionals will argue that being the “second best company” does not do much good in today’s world. Either you manage to lead the digital wave or you are floating somewhere in the immense sea of ​​anonymous companies “aspirants” to success. That is why it is essential to be able to immediately connect with the public most receptive to our message. If you have not yet heard about marketing at the right time, it is advisable to introduce this new concept in your vocabulary and start taking advantage of its possibilities. What is the difference between marketing in real time and marketing at the right time? You may be surprised to know the answer.

Real-time marketing : consider only the instantaneous

Real-time marketing tactics revolve primarily around instantaneous interactions with a fairly generic audience. The most common methods include live broadcasts via Twitter or podcasts . A brilliant example of the effectiveness of this strategy could be verified back in 2013. During the US Superbowl media, the host football stadium suffered a considerable blackout. The cookie maker Oreo took advantage of the circumstances and published a tweet in which he simply said “You can still dip in the dark” (referring to the cookies … or not). Immediately, the message went viral and was shared by tens of thousands of users.Marketing campaigns in social networks have always had problems capitalizing on this advantage, since they are simply ahead of their rivals (without checking other variables). However, we are now witnessing a shift towards a more complete business approach that takes into account other important metrics.

The emergence of marketing at the appropriate time

According to a study conducted by Pew Research , seven out of ten people use smartphones to buy everyday products. The main drawback for companies is that the element of time is not the only variable to consider in order to reach consumers. The marketing at the appropriate time examines other factors, including: ● Consumer preferences and purchasing habits. ● Elaborate the most relevant online content. ● Which marketing channels are the most appropriate. In this way, it is easy to observe that the immediacy in the launching of messages is not the only front to cover. The type of content that is offered, as well as its relevance to the public that receives it, are other variables that are addressed in a marketing strategy at the appropriate time.

The synergies between both strategies

In reality, both marketing techniques should be combined to obtain the best results. Real-time marketing (and, by extension, traditional marketing ) focuses on what some have called the four P’s (in English initials). These four items would be: place, promotion, price and product. Marketing at the right time has taken these concepts a step further to include: ● The right answer. ● The correct channel ● The right client ● The right moment This information can be extracted from behavioral statistics, big data and other traditional methods, such as obtaining the much-desired feedback with the clients themselves. The key point to take here is that marketers will use this information to deliver quality content to potential customers, through the appropriate channels and when the time is right. Making the most of the strategies of the right moment, a company can enjoy a greater presence in the digital environment without neglecting the real pulse of the market.

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